A "HOME of Healing and Health" most preferred by people needing medical attention and care, where competent and compassionate medical practitioners and staff works, learns and develops as a family.
851 Gov Carlos G. Camacho Rd
Tamuning, Guam 96913
Patient Portal Now Available
"No Show" Policy
The Doctors' Clinic is currently monitoring and managing 'no show' appointments. This is to ensure that we are able to provide timely access for all patients to our providers.
When cancelling appointments, please cancel with at least 24 hours notice.
If less than a 24-hour cancellation is given, appointment will be documented as a 'No Show' and will be charged a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee payable on or before your next visit. Please note that this will not be covered by your insurance company.
After the first 'No Show' appointment, you will receive a phone call warning to remind you of the policy. TDC will assist on rescheduling this appointment if needed.
If patient has three (3) 'No Show' appointments within a year period without a valid excuse, dismissal from the practice may be recommended.
If patient has not signed the policy form, please sign them on your next visit or download the form here and submit them on your next appointment.
TDC - Mask Guidance for Patients and Staff
Updated 5/02/22
Mask use recommendations continue to change as the pandemic unfolds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on mask use for the general public differs from the guidance specific to healthcare personnel (HCP).
Healthcare employers and providers are responsible for ensuring the safety of patients, staff, and the public.
To protect patients, the CDC continues to recommend universal masking in healthcare settings and it is also why many hospitals and health systems will continue to have masking policies in place even while other settings in the community drop them."
Interim-Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations: Recommendations included in the guidance are dependent upon the level of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the community:
Guam has a low to moderate community transmission
The following allowances for fully vaccinated individuals who do not have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 or other respiratory infection, have not had close contact or a high risk exposure with someone with COVID-19 in the last 10 days, are not moderately to severely immunocompromised, or had source control recommended by public health may be considered:
Fully vaccinated staff/nurse may choose not to wear a mask when in well-defined areas that are restricted from patient access, such as staff offices or lunch room
During indoor visit, if the patient and their visitors are fully vaccinated, they may choose not to wear a mask during the visit if in a single-person room, in a multi-person room when roommates are not present, or in designated visitation areas when others are not present. Visitors/Patient must wear a mask when around other patient or staff, regardless of vaccination status.
During outdoor visit, patients and visitors generally do not need to wear a mask